Hardware technologies are very popular in cosmetics. They affect all parts of the body and can solve various aesthetic problems. Some of them have been known for a long time and are not losing demand. Others are just becoming more popular (due to various circumstances) while some are becoming obsolete and less popular.
This analysis looks at cosmetic interventions that are performed on different devices. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the Key Phrase Statistics Service and the Trend Service. We will identify techniques that have stable popularity, techniques that are in decreasing and increasing demand.
Method Popularity Table
Stable popularity | Gain popularity | Lose popularity |
Laser hair removal (seasonally applicable) | Cryolipolysis (slow) | Myostimulation (slow) |
Cavitation | carbon shell | Photoepilation |
LPG massage | SMAS lifting | Nanoperforation (slow) |
Pressotherapy | Hydro-peeling (slow) | Microdermabrasion (slow) |
Cryotherapy | Permanent Makeup |
Stable popularity:
- Phonophoresis
- RF lifting
- Darsonvalization
- Lymph drainage
- Laser rejuvenation
- Fractional mesotherapy
- Photo rejuvenation
- Vacuum roller massage
- laser peeling (seasonal)
- Gas-liquid peeling
- Microcurrent Therapy
- Hardware massage
- Electroporation
- Phonophoresis
- Fractional photothermolysis
- Iontophoresis
- Ultrasonic peeling
- Laser liposuction
- Thermage
- Thermolifting
- Removal of tattoos
- Removal of tattoos
- Galvanotherapy
- Laser lifting
- Removing vessels
- Electrolipolysis
- Dermabrasion
- Vacuuming
- Elos rejuvenation
Lose popularity
There aren't many such procedures, but they are less popular with patients. This happened for several reasons that we will analyze in more detail.
In this procedure, the muscles are exposed to an electric current and thereby strengthened. This procedure is used to correct the body without going to the gym. It is highly likely that the decline in the popularity of the procedure is due to the fact that there are other equally effective methods that, moreover, affect not only the muscles, but also the condition of the skin and improve the metabolism in the tissues due to improved blood circulation (e. g. vacuum roller massage).
At the same time, the decline is very slow and can be seen in the dynamics over 5 years.
This is a method of rapid hair removal with a high pulse. Although the method is not traumatic and very effective, laser hair removal which is one of the most requested procedures is considered to be more effective. This is why photoepilation is becoming less and less popular. At the same time there is a clear downward trend.
A procedure in which the skin is pierced microscopically with laser beams. It is done to rejuvenate the skin (mainly the face). However, there are now more advanced laser rejuvenation techniques that patients prefer to perform more often.
The downward trend has been observed for 2 years.
This is a skin renewal with micro crystals. Although it is one of the most delicate methods, carbon and hydraulic drives, which are now becoming increasingly popular, are replacing this method, which is clearly evident in the trend over the past two years.
Techniques with stable popularity
In cosmetology, however, most of these techniques are more popular with patients, while others are less popular.
Increasing popularity
These methods have been known for a long time, but are currently becoming increasingly popular for various reasons. There aren't many such procedures.
This treatment helps fight localized fat deposits from the cold. It is one of the types of hardware lipolysis. The selected area is exposed to a cold of up to -5 degrees with a special cryolipolysis device. In addition, the procedure is painless and fairly safe.
carbon peeling
It is a modern method for skin cleansing and rejuvenation. The main advantage of carbon peeling is the absence of side effects and the minimal number of contraindications. The procedure is carried out with a laser device and very little time is spent.
SMAS lifting
This is a non-surgical face lift technique, which is why the procedure is becoming more popular every day. The device has an ultrasonic effect with which you can even cover the deep layers of the epidermis and thus "stimulate" internal processes, whereby the elasticity of the collagen fibers is restored. The procedure is carried out with SMAS lifting devices.
Hydro peeling
An innovative technique for non-invasive skin rejuvenation (mainly of the face). For the procedure, the master uses spiral disposable nozzles (3 pieces per session), which gently cleanse the skin. After that, multifunctional serums are applied to the skin thanks to good hardware cleaning, their effect is increased many times over, and this results in an excellent effect.
Permanent Makeup
This technique allows the use of a special device to create a permanent pattern that imitates real makeup. A special color pigment that lasts for a long time is introduced into the epidermis and the upper layer of the dermis. This greatly reduces the time it takes to apply cosmetics and create the perfect makeup. The technique is almost identical to tattooing, but the pigment doesn't last forever.
According to our estimates, this trend will occur in the next 1-2 years. Perhaps some new methods will appear and the old ones will disappear completely.